Langley Landscaping Services for an Environmentally Friendly Yard
The best Langley landscaping companies are interested in a greener environment and strive to be environmentally friendly in their practices. Likewise, most homeowners in our region are interested in protecting the environment, but are often not sure what steps to take in their own yard. Here are a few things to be aware as you plan your next home landscape project or lawn renovation.
Protect Animal Life
Providing food sources for birds, bees and butterflies is an excellent way to support your local ecology. The monarch butterfly is one example of a small creature that has become rare due to loss of habitat in British Columbia. Planting milkweed, a beautiful flowering native species and the favorite plant of monarchs, is one small step you can take. A diverse array of flowering perennials, along with shrubs and trees with small fruits and berries, helps to replace food sources that are lost as fields and forests are converted to residential and commercial developments.
Protecting Creeks, Streams and Rivers
The Langley area has lots of streams, creeks and natural water systems. Fish, amphibians and mammals depend on clean water for their survival. Excess fertilizer from lawns and golf courses and other pollutants from roadways are bad for water quality. Fortunately, many of the waterways around Langley are protected with vegetated buffer zones. Native grasses, trees and shrubs all help to filter and clean runoff water and rainfall before it enters streams.
You can do your part by using organic fertilizers for your lawn and ornamental plants. They release nutrients slowly, avoiding problems with excess fertilizer runoff. Talk to your Langley lawn care professional about all-organic methods for maintaining your lawn.
Buy Locally
Gasoline engines associated with transportation are a major source of pollution. Anytime you can buy locally sourced material, whether it is grown or manufactured in the region, you are reducing the impact of transportation. In addition, you are supporting local business, keeping money in the community.
Avoid Invasive Plants
Many attractive ornamental plants from other regions become invasive plants when planted in British Columbia. They change the character of the landscape and alter the local ecology, displacing plants that animals and birds rely on for food. Talk to your local Langley landscaping service about which native plants make good ornamentals and which exotics are appropriate to plant.
Like many homeowners, you may have already moved away from using pesticides and herbicides around your yard. It is nice to know that many of the natural approaches to landscaping and lawn produce excellent results. In addition to looking great, your property will be an important part of the local ecology.