Whitby Snow Removal for the Busy Homeowner
Landscape Maintenance Companies
The easiest option is to hire a Whitby snow removal service to take care of your winter maintenance. Almost all lawn care companies offer both residential and commercial snow removal during the winter months. Depending on the contract, they will arrive within a certain amount of time after a certain amount of snow has fallen. It takes all of the stress out of snow removal without costing you any time.
The Best Deicers
With light snowfall, simply spreading an effective deicer is all you need to do. Look for a deicer with calcium chloride or magnesium chloride. They work much better than plain rock salt at low temperatures and are less corrosive. For a deicer that is more environmentally friendly, calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) is your best choice. Depending on the percentages of the ingredients in the actual mix, it will have less of the negative effects associated with salts.
Apply deicers sparingly and carefully, following instructions on the bag. You will save money and reduce the impact on your landscape.
Snow Shoveling Tips
When there is more than an inch or so of snow, you are going to need a shovel or snow blower. For small driveways, a shovel is just as fast. It’s also the most eco-friendly option. A no-scoop shovel with a wide blade allows you to push the snow to the edge of your drive. As long as you have room for the snow along the edge, that’s the quickest method. Once snow builds up, you may have to scoop it and pile it.
Snow Blowers
For larger driveways, a snow blower is often the fastest overall method. If you have space on either side of your drive, start in the middle and work toward both sides making a u-turn when you reach the end of the drive. With a sloping or narrow yard, you may have to work from one side of the drive to the other. Be sure not to blow snow onto areas that have already been cleared.
These basic tips should help you remove snow quickly and efficiently. No one wants to spend any more time than they have to clearing their drive and walks of winter’s worst. Remember, for the best snow removal, Whitby has The Gardener. They can take care of snow clearing for the entire season, leaving you with more time for your family and friends.